Bus Stops
Bus service in District #7 is provided by First Student, Inc., one of the largest student transportation companies in the country. The District utilizes approximately 50 large buses and 26 special education vans. The average age of the buses is five (5) years, and each bus is completely equipped with safety equipment necessary to meet state and federal guidelines, including crossing arms, wheelchair lights, warning lights, etc. All buses are subject to full inspection every six months.
The District’s transportation system is designed and configured to be as efficient as possible and uses a three tier routing system. Most buses have three routes in the morning and three in the afternoon, and as such, the high school, middle school and elementary start and dismissal times are staggered to accommodate this transportation configuration.
Each bus has an on-board digital video surveillance system. Large buses have five video surveillance cameras, and each special education van has four video surveillance cameras. The video surveillance systems on all buses were updated during the fall of 2018 to provide an additional camera on each bus and higher camera resolution. The new system allows video from the buses’ digital video recorder to be uploaded via a secure WIFI network at the bus depot.
General Information
Bus Stops
Bus Stop information is available in the FirstView app.
FirstView is an app that provides real-time updates on your child(ren)’s bus, stop schedule, and timestamps for school arrivals and departures. With the fluidity of transportation information, First View allows for the most current transportation information.
It is available for both iOS and Android phone users.
Step-by-step guide for downloading and creating a new account. (Please note our District code is available in PowerSchool.)
To learn more about First View bus tracking, visit the First Student, Inc. website.
Transportation Forms
Please send completed forms to Arlene Kyro
Email: Arlene.kyro@firstgroup.com
Fax: 618-656-4233
Transportation Guidelines
All students who live more than one and one-half miles from the school they attend are eligible for bus transportation. Bus transportation is available ONLY between the school and the child’s designated bus stop.
Only in special, pre-approved situations may a student ride a bus other than his/her assigned bus or leave the bus at any stop other than the assigned one. In emergency situations, the bus company must be notified by the parent/guardian or school administrator of any change in a student’s regular bus assignment. Questions concerning bus regulations should be directed to First Student at 656-0125.
Students are expected to exhibit the same good behavior on the school bus as they do in the classroom. District #7 Policy 7:190 Student Behavior
There are some situations unique to the school bus. Some examples of those are listed below:
- Students should arrive promptly at their designated bus stop at least 5 minutes before their scheduled pickup time. Parents of K – 2 students should be at the bus drop off 5 minutes before the scheduled bus stop.
- Students should stand away from the road while waiting for the bus.
- Caution should be observed when approaching the bus. Students must wait for the bus to come to a complete stop.
- Students must remain seated while the bus is in motion.
- Students should be alert to a danger signal from the driver.
- In the event of an emergency, students should remain in the bus and wait for instructions from the driver.
- Hands and head must be kept inside the bus. Litter and other objects should not be thrown inside the bus or out bus windows.
- Excessive talking, laughter, or unnecessary confusion will not be permitted since it may divert the driver’s attention and result in an accident.
- Absolute quiet must be maintained when approaching a railroad crossing.
- Vandalism is strictly prohibited. Any costs to repair damage to the bus must be paid by those responsible before transportation can be resumed.
- Students should not touch or tamper with bus equipment.
- Students should help keep the bus clean and safe at all times.
- The consumption of food or beverages is not permitted on the bus.
- No live animals including insects or reptiles are permitted on the bus.
- Books, coats, and instruments should be kept out of the aisles.
- No article may be left on the bus.
- Courtesy and consideration must be shown to the bus driver and other students on the bus.
- Older students should help provide for the comfort and safety of younger children on the bus.
- The driver can only stop at the regular assigned stop.
- Safety procedures should be carefully observed when unloading the bus. If crossing the roadway, students proceed to a point at least ten feet in front of the bus where traffic can clearly be seen from both directions and wait for a signal from the driver.
- No tobacco products or controlled substances are allowed on the bus.
- Any electronic device that is not permitted at school will not be permitted on the school bus. Students may use cellular telephones, pagers, text messaging devices and other digital devices (i.e. PDAs) while on the school bus. If, however, the use of cellular telephones or similar devices disrupts the safe operation of the school bus, the bus driver may direct that such device can no longer be used on the school bus.
We expect students to follow the direction of the bus driver as they would the teacher. Drivers may address student misbehavior through a conference with the student, a change in seating assignment, a parent conference or phone call, or the driver may refer the matter to the building principal via a conduct notice. District #7 Policy 7:190 Student Behavior
If the problem remains unresolved to the satisfaction of the parent after the parent conference, the parents may submit a written appeal to the Superintendent. Upon receipt of the written appeal, the Superintendent will either hear the matter or appoint the hearing officer to conduct a hearing.
All unresolved suspensions shall continue for the duration of the suspension until reviewed in accordance with the written appeal procedure stated above, unless the parent or guardian has signed a waiver of his right to a review of said suspension action by the Superintendent or the hearing officer appointed for the school district.
A copy of all correspondence sent to the parents relative to transportation problems and the disciplinary action taken will be sent to the Director of Transportation.
How do I register for a bus?
When you enrolled your children, you automatically enrolled them on a bus. There is no need to fill out any additional paperwork. Approximately two weeks before school starts in August, you will receive a letter giving bus information from your school. Your child is eligible to ride the bus that goes to their school from the stop closest to your home.
If you have been allowed to enroll, because you have promised to move into the district within a set period of time, your child may not actually ride a bus until the move takes place.
How do I get my child taken to a sitter's home?
Registering for transportation to a sitter’s home or other daycare provider is easy.
If you intend for your child to be dropped of at anyone’s home for a night or two, you can write a note to that effect.
Be sure to sign the note. Your child must also have a building principal sign the note. Driver’s cannot let any child, who is not assigned to them, board their bus without a valid note with both your signature and a principal’s signature.
If you need this service for more than one week, then you must fill out a Transportation Request Form, and have it approved, prior to your child boarding.
Click the link below to be taken to the Transportation Request Form. This form automatically expires at the end of each school year.
1. Fill out the form
2. Print it.
3. Sign it.
4. Turn it into your building’s secretary.
How do I get permission for my child to ride to the home of my ex-spouse?
See the above tab for Transportation Forms. This form automatically expires at the end of each school year.
1. Fill out all the areas of the form that can be typed in. Type the phrase “Joint Custody” in the special instructions blank. For the sitter’s name, give the parent’s name and their relationship to the student. Example: June Smith-Mother.
2. Print it.
3. Sign it.
How do I pay for my child to ride a bus, since I was told they have to walk?
Each ride on the bus is 35 cents.
See the above tab for Transportation Forms. This form automatically expires at the end of each school year.
1. Fill out all the areas of the form that can be typed in.
2. Print it.
3. Sign it.
4. Return it to Hadley House
There are two different forms depending on the type of transportation you seek. If you have been informed that your child is a walker and wish to pay for him or her to ride the bus then use the Paid Transportation Request Form to arrange to ride the bus to and from your home. If you wish pay so that your child can ride to a sitter’s home then use the Daycare/Sitter Form instead.
How do I get permission for my child to ride to a friend's house for one night?
If you intend for your child to be dropped of at anyone’s home for a night or two, you can write a note to that effect.
Be sure to sign the note. Your child must also have a building principal sign the note. Driver’s cannot let any child, who is not assigned to them, board their bus without a valid note with both your signature and a principal’s signature.
If you need this service for more than one week, then you must fill out a Transportation Request Form (see the above tab), and have it approved, prior to your child boarding.
How do I let you know we are moving?
Edwardsville is a fast changing area. People are constantly moving into the district, out of the district, and across the district. Below are some tips that will help in dealing with the subject of your move.
1. Notify each building of your move. (Example: You have one child in the high school and one child in Woodland. Notify both the high school and Woodland of your new address, phone number, and when you expect the move to actually take place.) Notifying First Student of a change of address does not preserve your rights. Your student’s home bus will not be changed until we receive notification of your address change directly from the building your child is attending.
2. Some building principal’s may allow you to have your child remain in their building to finish out the current term. However, your bus service will terminate on the last day of your actual residency.
How do I sign up for Early Bird bus service?
Early Bird buses pickup students at each elementary school.
How does a Parochial student ride the bus?
Parochial students that live within the Edwardsville School District may ride the school district’s buses. In the morning, Parochial students will ride the high school bus that is closest to their residence. Students will then take a shuttle bus from the Edwardsville High School to the appropriate Parochial school. In the afternoon, shuttle buses will pick up the Parochial students from their school and shuttle them to the appropriate Middle School, based on their residence. At the Middle Schools, parochial students will transfer from the shuttle bus to the Middle School bus that will drop them at the closest stop to their residence. For more information or to determine which bus to ride, please contact (618) 656-0125.
First View App
The FirstView 1.0 mobile app helps parents and caregivers to keep track of school buses going to and from school each day. The District switched from Classic First View to FirstView 1.0 in January 2025.
It is available for both iOS and Android phone users.
Step-by-step guide for downloading and creating a new account. (Please note our District code is available in PowerSchool.)
To learn more about FirstView bus tracking, visit the First Student, Inc. website.